Thursday Tech Talk – Around the World

Thursday tech Talk – here we go…

Exciting day talking about a patent submission we are preparing. I have never applied for a patent before so every step is a lesson. We are so fortunate to have a patent lawyer (who knew there was such a job?) guiding us. We have passed the first gate and are now preparing for the patent search. This is where lawyers check to see if there is a patent already, or a published description already, of our idea that already exists. I hope not!

Today is also the day we look at all of our award winners for the year and submit names for the end-of-year final award that includes a fabulous celebration the Executives host for the 100 winners. It feels like a mini-Academy awards and the excitement starts mounting when we announce the winners in a few weeks.

On to a discussion about two Apps we are building. These Apps will help us understand the changes we need to make in how we deliver projects – more agile, more specific functionality focused, and maybe more fun. Technology is always changing, in how we deliver it and how we consume it. This is what makes technology careers never-boring.

The last big action for today is to discuss our itinerary for the upcoming trip to India. We will visit four tech companies and five cities. Scheduling for optimal use of time is tricky as we have to take into account flights to each city, jet lag, and making sure everyone stays healthy. These trips are taxing on the body and mind as each day is jam-packed with information, meeting new people, processing all the thoughts we have on how to evolve our application delivery, and eating food that may be familiar, but not in such quantities. The social side – seeing the culture, and the beautiful monuments, and the traffic! – is also a bit overwhelming. Preliminary plans made, refinements next week, and travel visas being processed.

One last meeting…the fun one. Talking about our team, how many people we are hiring, and the workplan for next year that looks challenging. Just what technology teams love!

What a great day!

About workingtechmom

busy, happy, loving life Drop by and leave a message.
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1 Response to Thursday Tech Talk – Around the World

  1. Anna Garcia says:

    Hi Kelley,
    I have just recently been introduced to your blog and it is extremely motivational. I had the chance to volunteer at ONCWIC at the University of Guelph this past Saturday and sat in your talk. I found your talk one of the most inspirational for someone just breaking into the coding community. I am a 23 year old undergrad of Information Systems & Human Behaviour and found your information given in the talk resonated with me. I have spoken to others about how great it was and just wanted to let you know I appreciated you being at the conference, you have given me great questions to think about in regards to careers for my future.

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